Student Services, Forms & Information
As a theology student at Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ, you will have access to opportunities for academic and professional development (see below).
Spiritual and Community Worship
As a college with deep roots in the Anglican tradition, Trinity provides a comprehensive approach to spiritual and community life. The Holy Eucharist and Offices are celebrated daily from historic and contemporary Anglican liturgies in our magnificent Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ Chapel. Worship and the development of regular habits of prayer are integral parts of the preparation for ministry. Faculty of Divinity students are expected to participate in Chapel life and be regular in their attendance at Chapel services. Advanced Graduate Degree students are invited to participate as fully as their studies permit.
The Divinity Class
All students enrolled in the Faculty of Divinity from the “Divinity Class“. The Divinity Class meets regularly, elects its own officers, and exercises the functions of student government. The chief student officers are the “Co-Heads of Divinity”, who by virtue of that office shares in the government of Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ and the Faculty of Divinity on many levels. Divinity Class representatives serve on the Faculty of Divinity and Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ committees.
Chapel Choir
Those interested in singing at the Wednesday Choral Evensong should contact the Director of Music, Thomas Bell at 416-978-7751 or
Wednesday Events
The Toronto School of Theology tries to keep Wednesday afternoons free of classes in order that each College may arrange for community events. Many interesting forums, meetings and social events are scheduled during this time. Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ are encouraged to attend.
Student & Community Spaces
The Divinity Common Room (DCR), located near the Chapel, is the setting for much of the community life of the Faculty of Divinity. Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ are welcome to use the room for study or group meetings, as well as to relax between classes. There is a mini fridge and a microwave available. To obtain a key for the Divinity Common Room, please see the Faculty of Divinity Office. One half of the room (north DCR) may be booked for Faculty of Divinity or other events. The Co-Heads of Divinity’s Office is located in the North Hall (north of Strachan Hall) – and the space is available for bookings for theology student initiatives. Strachan Hall (main dining hall) and cafeteria (The Buttery) area also frequently used by students, faculty and staff for conversation, refreshment and gatherings. For other student spaces on the Trinity campus, click here.
Academic Gowns
The wearing of an academic gown is one of the traditions of the College. It is currently recommended for dinners in Strachan Hall and is expected at certain other events (e.g., Chapel services). Learn how to purchase or rent an academic gown.
University of Toronto Student Cards (TCard)
Your permanent is a photo ID smart card which provides identification for academic purposes, student activities and services, facility access and a Library Card. The TCard also provides users the option to carry cash value in the computer chip, allowing the card to be used to purchase photocopies, computer printing, laundry services, and vending services at select locations on the University of Toronto campuses.
Health Insurance
All students are responsible for obtaining their own health insurance for the period of their study at Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ.
Canadian students are covered by their own provincial/territorial health plans, but students from outside Ontario should consult the appropriate authority for information on possible limitations. International students must purchase mandatory coverage for themselves and their dependents – click here for more health insurance information for international students.
All full-time Faculty of Divinity degree students are automatically members of the University of Toronto Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ’ Union and are automatically enrolled in the Health and Dental Insurance Plan of the UTSU and automatically receive medical and dental insurance coverage. For further information, please refer to the . Part-time students should make private arrangements for an additional extended health plan to help cover the cost of prescription drugs, dental work and other benefits.
Supports for International Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ
Toronto School of Theology Student Services
The (TST) provides a rich spiritual and learning community for its students – particularly through its worship, libraries and research resources. .
University of Toronto Student Services & Other Resources
Ç¿¼éÊÓƵ in the Faculty of Divinity pay University of Toronto incidental fees and are entitled to make use of University facilities and services. Services supported by student service fees are indicated by an asterisk (*). For a complete list of University of Toronto student services, please visit .
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- Athletics & Recreational Facilities: *, and *
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- Libraries: students have access to a multitude of libraries with excellent collections in theology: John W. Graham Library, plus St. Michael’s, Regis, Emmanuel, and Knox College and the
- (community legal clinic operated by the Faculty of Law): Free legal consultation is available to full-time U of T students
- Public Transportation: and